First steps to healing

Schedule your visit.

We’d be honored to partner with you on this journey of becoming your best self. To schedule an appointment, please follow these three steps and we’ll get everything sorted on our end to get your info added to our system for a smooth onboarding.

01 New patient form

Can’t get around paperwork, sorry! But, at least it’s digital and won’t be annoying to do in-person. Complete this quick form, and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours to schedule a time.

By completing this form, you agree to our Privacy Policy

02 Gather insurance info

We partner with tons of health insurance providers to make sure your journey of discovery is covered—building an environment of care. You don’t need to do anything in advance, simply double-check that your insurance is on this list (to be covered in-network) and bring your insurance card to the appointment.

03 See you soon!

Once you’ve completed the form and scheduled your appointment, all that’s left is to see you there! We’re excited to meet you and see how we can help transform your relationship with wellness (and yourself). Here’s the office info for our two beautiful locations.

New York Office

123 Demo Street
New York, NY 12345



(555) 555-555

Toronto Office

123 Jarvis Street
Toronto, ON 12345



(555) 555-555